Andreas Christopheros
Patient Advocacy Board
Andreas Christopheros, a business man from the UK was the innocent victim of an acid attack in December 2014. Andreas was living at home with his wife and son when he opened his front door to an unknown man who instantly threw a beaker of concentrated sulphuric acid in his face, arms, and torso. Andreas was attacked in a case of mistaken identity, his attacker simply turned up at the wrong address.
The UK has seen a huge rise in acid attacks in recent years. Andreas has tirelessly campaigned for change in sentencing guidelines in the UK and has been a prominent public voice on the topic. Along with the change in sentencing, Andreas has also called for new legislation and campaigned to give Police the power to deal with the threat on the streets.
After being introduced to Face Forward, Andreas has continued to keep the pressure on the authorities in the UK. His actions have ensured that attackers have received a sentence more fitting of the crime. Andreas is a very proud Patient Advocate for Face Forward and continues to highlight the great work Face Forward do for survivors around the globe.